Tuesday, May 13, 2014
STL (Laval) new website features the long-awaited return of PDF schedules!
Included are the return of PDF schedules. With a lot of transit authorities going towards real-time or trip-based data presentation, sometimes it's refreshing to just see a nice table of the bus frequencies. Here's a list of STL's PDF schedules from their website.
Summer 2014 Update - Changed HTML Code to reflect Beta site, no longer Beta.
Summer 2016 Update - Removed routes 25, and 28. Added routes 22 and 360.
Summer 2018 Update - Added route 942.
Summer 2021 Update - Added routes 313, 730, 744 and modified URL structure.
Winter 2025 Update - Removed routes 41, 360 and 942.
Route 2
Route 12
Route 17
Route 20
Route 22
Route 24
Route 26
Route 27
Route 31
Route 33
Route 36
Route 37
Route 39
Route 40
Route 42
Route 43
Route 45
Route 46
Route 48
Route 50
Route 52
Route 55
Route 56
Route 58
Route 60
Route 61
Route 63
Route 65
Route 66
Route 70
Route 73
Route 74
Route 76
Route 144
Route 151
Route 313
Route 730
Route 744
Route 901
Route 902
Route 903
Route 925
Monday, April 13, 2009
My OPUS Expectations (as of July 1, 2009)

With the OPUS card expected to come out of BETA testing on June 30th, here
- Automatic loading for single and multiple tickets as well as weekly and monthly passes
Pour l'instant, il est vrai que les titres du CIT ne sont pas en vente sur la carte à puce a la Billetterie Metropolitaine. Éventuellement, par contre, ils le seront lorsque le système sera entièrement uniformisé avec l'AMT.
For now, it's true that CIT tickets and passes aren't available from the machines at the Billetterie Metropolitaine. Eventually they will be when the system is merged (uniformed) with the AMT.
I can only expect that this day will be June 30th. The date the STM has mentioned is the day OPUS goes into full swing (it's also the day OPUS cards jump from $3.50 to $7.00).
- ALL transit authorities need to be accessible from the same machine.
- Have an "add to cart" option available with a single checkout.
- Keep the introductory rate ($3.50) for the OPUS card until December 31, 2009.
- Progressive commuter train fares and topup system
The $1 first zone / $0.50 additional zone isn't rocket science or new. It's already used on Metra Rail in Chicago
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The little CIT that might.....
Transportation around Montreal is much more than the big three plus commuter trains. A smaller network of suburban transit buses known as CITs operates as far as Valleyfield, St-Jerome, Sorel, Saint-Hyacinthe, and Huntingdon. Service frequencies range from the extremely frequent 15 minute service to St-Jerome to the scarce departures towards Huntingdon (up to 8 buses per day).
According to an article in Saturday's Le Soleil de Chateauguay, CIT Haut-Saint-Laurent, the smallest commuter bus service in the greater Montreal area, is surveying its citizens on a possible improved schedule. Their current schedule hasn't been modified since 2006 when departures were removed from the weekend schedule (there used to be a midnight departure fron Angrignon on Saturdays). The PDF version of the newspaper has some of the questions asked:
- What can CITHSL do to increase ridership?
- Increased comfort onboard?
- Service into downtown..... Chateauguay?!?
- Regular service towards Valleyfield?
- Evening service Monday to Friday?
- More weekend departures?
I say all of the above. Increased comfort? What more do you want? This is the only CIT that uses exclusively coaches for their bus service. No stinky LFSes here!
Residents of Mercier, St-Martine, Howick, Ormstown and Huntingdon received the survey in the PubliSac this week. Hopefully, better service is in the works...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
So far, the following websites have linked to my Lego Pictures / Video:
The Chronicles of Sekhmet Design // Métro de MTL en Lego
Dans l'antre de la découverte // Une expo Lego très cool ...
http://twitter.com/murmitoyen (LOVE THE BACKGROUND)
I had never heard of Twitter until a few weeks ago, only because of some very vocal person complaining.
Thanks to all my photo visitors, past, present and future. Every new visitor is one more person educated about our hobby.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
AMT's Response to the Deux-Montagnes Line CRISIS!
AMT has provided users of the Roxboro-Pierrefonds, Sunnybrooke and Du Ruisseau stations with special shuttle buses to Cote-Vertu Metro station. The coaches are provided by Bell Horizon and Transdev Limocar. Yes, the same Transdev Limocar that was prohibited from operating the same type of coach service between Cote-Vertu and Vaudreuil not six months ago.
Also, according to the AMT, these buses are borderline illegal, because the STM is supposed to have exclusive rights to bus transportation between two areas on the island of Montreal. (Shh, no one tell then about the Concordia or McGill shuttles)...
Note: This post is also to test the integration of Flickr and Blogspot :D
Saturday, February 21, 2009
First Public Post
This is my first attempt at "Blogging", although my initial Internet Presence began on July 5, 1999 with the photo sharing website Webshots. I no longer update that one on a regular basis as I've transferred all my photos over to Flickr.
I wanted to coincide my first blog post with the 4th anniversary of the Bombardier BiLevels first appearance on the Dorion-Rigaud Line. unfortunately, I was busy all day yesterday and couldn't update in time.
That's all for Post #1, Comments Welcome!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Test Post
kellerGraham already has a Flickr site:
And a website
I'll be talking about public transit.
Here's an image: